Saturday, March 7, 2015

New Animal Jam Updates! :O

Whoa! Have you seen the new Animal Jam updates? Lions are back, there’s a new adventure, and new items!

There's a new adventure and you can get spikes and wrists from it? What!! Animal Jam you're releasing too many rares and a lot of jammers are quitting and I personally AM NOT. Animal Jam is loosing its population from this and now rarities are going down. Can spikes be worth just a den beta in a few months? 
Have you seen the new paint studio items in your buddy’s dens or on others’ trade lists? Well remember when we did the vote on what den items we’d like to see on Animal Jam? Now I think they’re putting all the things we voted for in Jamaa! (Jamma? Jamaa? LOL idk which one it is) The items are actually really cool! SCROLL DOWN TO SEE THEM

There are actually more items then this except I took these pictures when the update happened so I don’t have all of the pictures. Go to Jam Mart Furniture if you want to see and buy all of the items out so far!

LIMITED EDITION ITEMS OUT ON ANIMAL JAM! Next week is National Pi Day! Animal Jam is celebrating by selling Pi items ONLY on next Saturday and Sunday!
 Whoa! Look at these new armor items in the diamond shop! The gauntlets actually look REALLY amazing so I bought one myself. They’re like flying coins under you, like WHO DOESN’T WANT THAT?! Also, last month’s armor is about to come out of stores! Buy yours before they come out. 

        Have you seen the new adventure? Rumor has it that you can get spikes from it? Like I’ve said earlier Animal Jam is bringing everything back and like everyone is getting mad. I honestly don’t really care and I can see why animal jam put rares in the adventures. I think it’s to prevent hacking because everyone’s hacking for rares and if they’re in adventures no one would hack to get them they’d just play it, but then this really big loser comes in and they don’t want to play adventures so they still hack, but it helps some hackers and scammers to not scam. Also this adventure is probably the hardest out of all the seasonal ones I’ve played! I would always quit after a while. The clover keys you need to find blend in so well with the patches of clovers! Here’s a tip, if you see a patch of clovers there would most likely be a key. Also, every key is near a chest so if you find a chest just look around. IT WOULD’NT BE TOO FAR FROM THE CHEST!
        Wow, this was a long post! Thanks for reading J please spread the word about this blog and read our other entrees! 

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

xxepic1xx Introduction! ♥

Hai! We’ve decided that we’re going to do real introductions no unlike my really bad first post. You’ve probably already have seen Derpy’s introduction, but if you haven’t SCROLL DOWN! (then of course SCROLL BACK UP to read this intro)
This isn’t really an introduction, but it does tell you a little about me. (“WOW GREAT FIRST SENTENCE”) The first thing you should know about me is that I am REALLY sarcastic. I exaggerate about almost everything and I’m pretty sure most of my friends secretly think I’m the meanest person alive, but it’s just sarcasm people. (Ok maybe sometimes it’s real) Also, I’m usually honest. Like I won’t lie unless I’m “acting” people that’s a different thing (LOL no it isn’t.), but I wouldn’t lie about something big like “OMG GUESS WHAT I’VE BEEN DIAGNOSED WITH SOMETHING AND LIKE IM GONNA POOF TOMORROW!!” Like no one does that. (Unless it’s April Fools) I have like 500 obsessions and one of my biggest is my FAVORITE band is CIMORELLI. Who knows the TV show Once Upon A Time? If you said yes YOU ARE MY BESTEST FRIEND IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD ILY I have like 488 more obsessions, but like that would take forever to type. [insert best conclusion ever]
I also have an Instagram (@foodneeded) and a Youtube (unicow cx)
Whale bai! Thanks for reading

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Be the Change
               Introduction of xDerpyCookies A=)
     Hello Im xDerpyCookies! I have contributed to do this blog with XxEpic1xX know as Unicow Cx and Wolff512 AJ! I'm guessing you might want to know about me so, here is a list .o. 
  • I have two dogs. 
  • I own an InstagramYoutubeFacebook, and Flicker account.
  • I take dance as in ballet and soon more.
  • I love pandas my favorite animal of all times ^-^.
  • ∞ “Never Means Forever.” -Pierce The Veil ∞
  1. .o. What I Play .o. 
  • Animal Jam
  • Transformice
  • Stardoll
  1.  ∞What I Make on Youtube∞
  • AJMV's
  • Random Stuff (Soon)
  • Vines (Soon)
          I hope that is enough enough for you! Remember to have fun and remember to tell your friends to view this blog! -xDerpyCookies AJ
 ∞ "If you can dream it, you can achieve it." "Walt Disney ∞

Introduction/Animal Jam New Updates

Hey guys! Well having this being our first post of course I’m going to need to give and introduction (ewe intros) This blog is owned by 3 friends, Wolff512, XDerpyCookies, and xxepic1xx. This is our first time trying this doing something completely new and just winging it hopefully not screwing everything up. We have 0 experience so please, please, please help us! We will be posting Animal Jam and Transformice photos (maybe other too occasionally) As you can tell I’m not good with introductions so let’s just get to the real purpose of this post! J
Animal has released new items for St. Patrick’s day aka Lucky Day. Jam Mart Clothing has released a few new items and some were from last year.  Most of these are membered (of course). Scroll down to see the new items from Jam Mart Clothing

Also, have you seen the new cupid arrows from Epic Wonders? They’re about to go out of stores in a new days so pick yours up today! 

“Wait hold on? Did I just see emerald rings?” Yes you did! A lot of people said that they’re good? I don’t know the truth, but they’re out in epic wonders so pick yours up today!
Wait!! That’s not it there are also new den items in Jam Mart Furniture! Remember when you voted for an art studio or like a pizza parlor? Well the pizza parlor votes won and now there are pizza parlor items in stores along with new Lucky Day items! WHOA isn’t that so cool?

I just realized this, but the use to be beta cherry tree are now in stores! Don’t get fooled when someone trades you a cherry tree for one of your favorite items! 
Last update, but not least is the new Lucky Party! Have you seen your buddies there or like items in the Lucky store? I honestly haven’t been there this year, but I know that it most likely looks exactly like last year’s party. Now that the Lucky Party is in last must mean the Friendship is gone. Boo!! At least it will be back next year!

Well that’s all the updates I have! Thanks for reading and please share this blog with your friends if you like it! Bye!
                    -xxepic1xx (animal jam user)